On the one hand, the targeted use of the search operators saves you time and delivers unambiguous results. If you’re dealing with a high volume of emails this is a blessing. On the other hand, you only need to know a few individual criteria to successfully search emails. For example, if you only know the time period and sender, but not the subject, you can still search the Gmail inbox.

To make the Gmail search with operators run smoothly, it’s best to use them directly in the browser-based inbox. If you use another email program that collects your Gmail via IMAP, the search results may not be displayed correctly.

Statistics show just how popular Gmail has become as an email program. In August last year, the email marketing tool provider Litmus evaluated some 870 million email openings worldwide and found that Gmail came second (after Apple’s iPhone) for opening emails.

Infographic: The World's Most Popular Email Clients | Statista You will find more infographics at Statista

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